
July 04, 2009
As Datre has stated previously, when they say “you” that refers to all of the mass consciousness individuals.
Kristy asked if Datre would answer some questions.

JOHN: “Seth says that during quite times that saying mentally or aloud the sound “OOOOMMMMMM” is beneficial, how? And I’d like to know more about how sound effects you physically, mentally.”
约翰: “赛斯说在安静的时候,默念或大声发出“OOOOMMMMMM”的声音是有益的,为什么?我想了解更多有关声音如何在身体和心理上影响你的信息。”

DATRE: OHM has been used for a long, long period of time in meditation. It is a form of letters or sounds that the physical bodies recognize as telling the body to settle down, be quite. When the body is settled in quite, meditation is easier and the receptivity is greater. Now, that is used by many. However, that does not work for all individuals. There are many who have tried the OHM and found it exceedingly uncomfortable. In other words, that vibration within the physical being does not have a calming effect upon all people.

In some people it stirs up a great deal of anxiety and tension within the body, because it is not a vibration that the body is comfortable with. Vibration to each physical body is very different. Now, in a culture where the OHM is used and is in the genealogy of those individuals, the OHM sound is what the body recognizes as being a form of relaxation.

Now, you will take other cultures upon your planet that the physical body, in it’s genealogy or linage or whatever you want to call it, in your family line - that is not a sound with which you are familiar and therefore has no effect, or sometimes an effect that is unpleasant. In that, that resonance in the physical being causes agitation. That is why some people will gravitate, shall we say, to some music while others will find what one person likes the other person becomes very irritated with.

Sound is very important to the physical body. Sound carries a vibration that resonates with the physical construct, or your hologram that you are working with. Your hologram is made up of intersecting light vibration. Now, depending upon the holographic structure, that sound of OHM can cause a discordant vibration.

For others it will be exactly what they want. So, there is no particular guideline. Now, as the question was stated, from what I can understand by the question, is that the one, Seth, was speaking to a particular group of individuals or one individual, I do not know. But, it is like everything else; it applies to those you are speaking to. Now, we are speaking from another vantage point. We are addressing all who are listening and so the statements made are made in generalities, because that is a necessity at this point.

Individuals will find that there are vibrational tones in music that they can use in their relaxation. And you will find as your physical body vibration changes, that the music that you gravitate to will also change. Because music sets up a vibration and that vibration can be soothing or it can be like taking a small hammer and hitting your body all over, because of the discordant reaction to your physical being. Does that help explain?

Seth: 这是你自己的选择。不同的人对于灵性有着不同的看法和需求,一些人可能觉得它很重要,而另一些人则可能不太在意。每个人都有自己的路径和进化方向,需要自己去发掘和体验。没有一个正确的答案,也没有一条固定的道路。

JOHN: Uh… in fact you were - got into the area that she was expanding after that. She said, “I’d like to know more about how sound affects you physically, and mentally.”
JOHN: 嗯……事实上你已经进入了她之后要探讨的领域。她说,“我想更多地了解声音对身体和心理的影响。”

DATRE: Sound does affect you greatly, physically and mentally. The sounds that people hear have a great deal to do with the vibration of the physical body.
Now, as an example, you can be working in a building and someone outside is hammering with a piece of equipment on cement. Now, some people will say, that’s annoying, some people will say that doesn’t bother me, other people will have to leave a room, because the vibration is greater than they can handle, many times experiencing a sick to stomach feeling. The man making the noise is not bothered by it at all. His physical construct is of such a nature that that does not interfere with what he is doing.
DATRE: 声音确实会对你的身体和心理产生很大影响。人们所听到的声音与身体的振动有很大关系。 比如说,你在一个建筑物里工作,外面有人用一台设备在水泥上敲打。有些人会说这很烦人,有些人会说这对我没影响,而其他一些人则不得不离开房间,因为振动大于他们所能承受的范围,往往会感到恶心。制造噪音的人却毫不受影响,他的身体结构使他能够不受干扰地做他的事情。

Music also has a great effect on the body. There are those who can take a piece of music that they are listening to, go into that piece of music so deeply that they will travel on the vibration of the sound to many different places. There are others who can hear a piece of music and closing their eyes and listening intently to that piece of music will open them quite startled and see the music they are hearing, turn to beautiful fluid colors. You see music has a great effect upon the body. Now to touch upon one more subject before we quit, regarding music.

The hard rock, as is referred to on your planet, has a great effect upon the physical being. The hard beat in a piece of music holds you, your physical being and your heartbeat, in a certain rhythm. Your heart will pick up the beat of the music being played. Now, when that happens this can cause rapid heart beat - slow, unfamiliar heart beat - it changes the vibratory pattern in your body at the time you are listening to that music. The noise alone from that music tells me but one thing - if the noise is loud enough, you do not have to listen to yourself. I realize that those are hard words but they are true.

Those that do not want to know and hear anything, that is other than outside of them, will find that music, that noise, whatever it is that will make enough confusion so that you cannot hear that portion of you, that very beautiful portion inside of you that is trying to get your attention, to listen. Are there any more questions?

JOHN: Yes, she has one more question. “Could you explain natural guilt in a simple manner? Is it possible?”
JOHN: 嗯,她还有一个问题。她问:“您能以简单的方式解释自然的内疚感吗?这可能吗?”

DATRE: 是的,这是一个非常简单的问题。你们认为有内疚感,因为你们认为你们犯了一个错误。内疚感是对“错误”的感觉,而“错误”是由你们判断的。因此,内疚感是你们对你们自己的评价。它来自于你们的信仰系统和那些你们接受的思想。

DATRE: Natural guilt is a construct that has been placed upon you. You are told that if you do this, that or the other thing, you are going to feel guilty. Now, guilt is a construct that has been placed upon you by your societies, by your religions, by your parents, by your friends, by everybody. They tell you, “You’re going to feel guilty if you do this, if you do that, if you do the other thing.” Now, the guilt itself is a very strong emotion. You are made to feel guilty if you do something wrong, but what is wrong? What is wrong for you may not be wrong for another. You see, these are all constructs that have been placed upon you.
Now, natural guilt is when you, inside of yourself, feel guilty for something that you have done, because it did not come up to the standards that you have set for yourself. You see, this is why we talk about the standards that you set for yourself, because that is what you live by. That is what is important to you. You have set the standards and you live by those standards. Now, if you do something that is not up to your standards, then you feel guilty, because you have not lived up to your own expectations.
But, as we have said before, if you have not set any standards for yourself, then you have nothing to live up to. Therefore, you cannot feel guilty. So, guilt is a construct that has been placed upon you, but natural guilt is when you, inside of yourself, feel guilty, because you have not met your own expectations. Is that clear?

Datre: 自然的罪恶感是一种被赋予你的构造。你被告知,如果你做了这个、那个或者那个东西,你就会感到内疚。现在,罪恶感是由社会、宗教、父母、朋友和所有人赋予你的一种强烈情绪。他们告诉你,“如果你这样做、那样做、还有其他事情,你就会感到内疚。”现在,罪恶感本身是一种非常强烈的情绪。如果你做错了什么,你就会感到内疚,但是什么是错的呢?对你来说错误的事情可能不是对另一个人来说的。你看,这些都是被赋予你的构造。

DATRE: From just the words that are used in the sentence, that is what we will base our answer upon. Natural guilt, in that context, we believe refers to that which is in your genealogy.
Now, the genealogy is that which you have decided upon when you take physicality. Now, the other way you get guilt is through other individuals upon the planet, telling you to feel guilty. Making you feel guilty. Because you did something that they - underline they - think is improper. To find whether you as an individual feel guilty or not, is for you to look at the action taken and then find out if “you” feel guilty. There is NO reason to feel guilt if you are following that which, in your being, that says’s this is the right action to take. Do not let others put a guilt trip upon you.

It is not for them to do so. You are following that which you are here to experience. Other people need to concentrate on their own life and not interfere with others. We know, that is not the way individuals on your planet work, we see that. But that is the way it should be. Other people will continually tell you what to do. You do what you, deep down inside, want to do without guilt. The only time you can feel guilty is if someone tells you you should feel guilty. Is there more?


JOHN: No, that’s all there is from Kristy.
DATRE: Thank you. Good night, we are Datre.
