觉醒宣言 前言 我们现在是在一个多维意识能量宇宙游戏机里,使用意识能量工具体验了解真正的自己。对于人类来说,意识能量工具中最重要的觉知真正自己的部分缺失了。由于不知真我而迷失,人类完全认同自己是肉体、意识、灵魂或者一切万有。意识心智灵魂肉体都只是真正的我们使用的体验工具,它们以及整个意识能量宇宙都不是真正的我们。现在的人类是被“圈养”在地球(三界:天界天堂神界、人界、灵界冥界地狱)中给所谓的神佛魔提供精神信 2022-08-11
Datre005 Datre005July 04, 2009 JOHN: “Seth as channeled by Jane Roberts mentioned in Seth Speaks chapter 17, session 569, between 10:04 - 10:43PM… “that there is something like a chart mapping many of the near 2023-03-16
Datre004 Datre004July 04, 2009 Barbara you asked Datre’s view on a birth disorder. Barbara,你询问Datre对出生缺陷的看法。 JOHN: This question is from Barbara. She is not on the net so it will not go on the net unless she p 2023-03-16
Datre003 Datre003July 04, 2009As Datre has stated previously, when they say “you” that refers to all of the mass consciousness individuals.Kristy asked if Datre would answer some questions.正如Datre之前所述,当他们说“你”时 2023-03-16
Datre002 Datre002July 04, 2009NOTE: As Datre has said previously when they say “you” that refers to all of the mass consciousness individuals.Al, You asked several questions of Datre. They have broken them int 2023-03-16
Datre001 July 04, 2009JOHN: j.r. You asked, “Since I have such a problem with probable selves and realities, would you explain these terms, so that a simpleton like me can understand them?”约翰:J.R.,你问过:“我对可能的自我 2023-03-14
Datre000 Datre000July 04, 2009DATRE: Hello Everyone -This is going to be little insight on your belief systems.这将是关于您信念系统的一点小见解。 There have been numerous references that have come back thru other peoples regar 2023-03-02
Datre介绍 - Datre introduction Datre introductionJuly 05, 2009Hello Everyone,We are Aona and John. We would like to introduce you to Datre. Datre is a name composed of specific interactive vibrations. The beings that comprise what 2023-03-02